Thursday 12 July 2012

A very busy day...

Hello Blogland

How are you this fine Thursday?

I am writing this at 16.03 - in between meetings.   I am having a mad meeting day!!

I am being overrun in School activities this week but there is light at the end of the tunnel.    Yesterday I went to my second Angels meeting.  This was actually really good - I was able to create some Visual Aids - flashcards with smiley faces and clock faces to (hopefully!) help with Lucas and his time keeping.   Realistically - I was in autopilot, just going through the motions.   Today - I have been in 100% autopilot - this is my day so far.... - get Lucas to New School - as today is "New School Day" - all the New Pupils spent the morning at Lucas' New School - this was interesting as we had to get there before 9am and drop him off with his New Teacher - a practice run for September!

Result... - Lucas is sitting cross-legged in the Hall of his new School with all his friends.   He didn't even notice I had left him there.   A few other mums had tears in their eyes  

End of Meeting one.   Relatively Stress Free too!

Meeting 2 - was 2 hours long - it was the last week of The Parents of ASD Children Course.   This was a heavy meeting, quite deep and meaningful, it covered lots of very important areas, and included an in-depth conversations on both Bullying and Medication - which I was able to contribute to both.   My Snowball Anecdote for Bullying and the Melatonin is my BEST FRIEND FOREVER story for the medication.

Meeting 2 was very hard work - but... there was CAKE!! - yay! Chocolate Cake, and Some Nice Sponge Cake and a Warm Apple Flan - Cakes were worth it.

Meeting 2 ended and so did the Course - everyone promises to keep in touch with everyone else - and we all get a certificate.

Meeting 3 - Lucas' Support Worker Person - 1 hour 45 minutes! - another heavy meeting! - but this one also covered lots of areas.   She has been working with Lucas and told me how much she loved working with him - and how much of a charming lovely little boy he was - and yes I took the opportunity to ask her from a Layperson's view - what she really thought of his ASD.   She was able to confirm that he is definitely an ASD ADHD HF Child, but he is also very lovely and extremely clever - she was also able to tell me he was going to be a Train Driving Tennis Player that was going to Invent a Ball that always returned to him, so he can win lots of trophies.

Summary... a heavy meeting, very heavy meeting, but lots of loose ends have been tied, and also lots of new pointers are being prepared ready for his new school....


TO....... BE................  CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22:00 - Oh I am SO tired! - I am exhausted.  

The New School Meeting was my final meeting of the day - I met Lucas' new Teacher.  She seems very nice.  I told her about The Colour Purple, and how much this means to Lucas (the REAL COLOUR PURPLE! - not the Whoopii Goldberg film) - I also told her I am only down the Road if I am needed and I will be at the school faster than you can say - "Can I have a word....."

I spent half an hour looking round the School  feeling very small and confused - then we were ushered into the Big Hall for the Official Meeting of the Headmistress, and all the Teachers.   I listened intently to everything she said - and think I may have forgotten everything already.   It seems like it will be ok.   She drummed in the fact that they are all approachable, and - OH this is a scary time, I am sure Lucas will be fine.

I feel that now all the good things that were in place at his Old School have the potential to unravel - and it is my responsibility to make sure this does not happen.   And THIS is causing me to have a massive headache. STILL, I have done all the ground work now, all we can do is light that touch paper and watch the new chapter of Lucas' School Life take off!

(New School starts September 4 - Old School Ends July 20)

Thanks for READING!

Oh and Emily! - if you read this - thank your Mum for the chat afterwards!! - it was really appreciated - your Mum is worth her weight in Gold, but you know that already.... How is Lady Shasta?

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